5 reasons why I love being your Albuquerque photographer

There are so many reasons why I love being your Albuquerque photographer, but here are just five.

Seeing the beauty in the everyday. 

As a photographer, the first thing you learn to do isn’t how a camera works, but recognize beautiful light. How it filters through the living room windows and falls on my son as he plays Legos. The glow of the setting sun as I walk the dog. And all the other little moments of my very normal life that become illuminated into picture-worthy moments by yummy, glowy light. 

Another skill that I’ve learned as a photographer is to notice the present moment. The gifts that are hiding within plain site are unwrapped by being present. As a photographer, I’ve trained to notice those sweet and tender moments that are happening right in front of me. The giggle of a toddler as they run away from you. The look that a teenager gives you out of the corner of their eye. The quick peck on the cheek from your partner. All of these little present moments are what make up our everyday, and the things I want to photograph for you. One hundred little moments of love and connection for you to hold and cherish for years and years. Recognizing light and the practice of presence are the first reasons why I love being your Albuquerque photographer.

Seeing Families and Kids grow over the years. 

Some of my Albuquerque family photo clients have been with me for many years. I have had the greatest honor to photograph them each and every Summer or Fall. I have seen little babies grow into elementary school age. And young kids become high schoolers. Families who started with one kiddo who now have many. It is such a joy to meet each year and see how these kids fun personalities just overflowing out of their little bodies. Teens who are coming into themselves. And couples whose respect and love for each other deepen. My heart just expands with the opportunity to view families in this way for sure making me love being your Albuquerque photographer.

Discovering the stunning landscape of New Mexico. 

I have a confession to make. When this San Diego, CA  girl moved to the deserts of Albuquerque, NM I wasn’t wowed by the landscape. It took a good while and a lot of location scouting to see the beauty here. Now I am blown away by all of the stunning session locations that Albuquerque so graciously gives. The stark rock formations of White Mesa. The gentle foothills of Ellena Gaegos. Red rocks in Jemez, the yellowing aspens of Santa Fe, Gillman Tunnels, Los Conchas Trail… need I go on!?! All so different, all so gorgeous.

Making Art is my job, how amazing is that!?!

When I was growing up I didn’t say that I wanted to be a manager or work in public relations (even though those jobs are great, for realz) I wanted to be a ballerina or painter. I wanted to be an artist. I am living my childhood dream and is why I love being your Albuquerque photographer (this body wouldn’t have been so great on point shoes and my painting skills are lacking). Every week I get to make art. Art that I love and that my clients love. The ability to tap into my creativity, explore emotions, and see and make beautiful things is just so mind-blowing. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be a photographer. 

The opportunity to push myself into growth mode.

Being a photographer doesn’t just mean buying a camera at Best Buy and reading the manual. There are so many aspects of learning that go into being a photographer and business owner. Honestly, when I started this family photography journey I had NO idea how much work it would be. But I am so grateful for the challenge. I have had to learn how to face uncomfortable situations and not back away but tackle them head-on. I have had to tap into who I am more and more with each new goal and am loving the woman I am becoming as I reach that accomplishment. I am proud to call myself an artist now, something I would not have said even two years ago. 

Now you know a little more about why I love being your Albuquerque photographer. Hiring someone to take your family’s photos is a personal process. I value the relationship I create with clients to ensure that not only your photo session goes smoothly, but that I meet all of your expectations and more. The only way I can do that is by getting to know you and letting you get to know me. 

I am now booking family in-home and outdoor sessions in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico, and North County San Diego Beach Cities, California. 

Alison is an analog film photographer and photography educator. Her work has been featured in many online publications, social media features, and published works. 


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