How to feel comfortable in front of the camera | Alison Hatch Photo

I’m taking a wild guess here, but I bet you don’t have any modeling experience. I’m also going to assume that the idea of getting your pictures taken makes your palms sweaty and your heart race. Maybe as you read this a strong desire to click out of this post is pressing on that trigger finger. DON’T! My friend, keep reading because I’m going to change that apprehension when a camera comes towards you into confidence.

How to feel comfortable in front of the camera.

Hi! I’m Alison Hatch. A family, newborn, maternity, and graduating senior photographer with 8 years of business experience I kinda have some knowledge to lay on you, here.

For really great photos that you will not just love but adore, the key is being relaxed and comfortable. Sure, you might be saying, “Well, Alison, the reason I am reading this post is because I am definitely NOT comfortable in front of the camera.” I know that, so let me tell you how.

How to feel comfortable in front of the camera
Preparation is Key

I, your faithful San Diego photographer, can’t read your mind. So wish I could, but unfortunately havn’t figured out that superpower yet. You have ideas for your family session. I want to know them all, in detail. In your questionnaire and through email tell me everything you want, don’t want, and are worried about.

Dress to Impress… Yourself

Find an outfit that is you and your feel comfortable in not just look great in. If you are a pants person, wear pants, if you like to get all dressed up, do that. Wear a color that you really love. Show off those assets and minimize the unwanted, if you know what I mean ;) Get your butt on Pinterest and start shopping. Don’t want to spend a bunch of money on a new outfit, try Poshmark or Thread Up which sells second-hand clothing, or utilize all the rentable options like Rent The Runway or The Kindred Soul.

 Comfortable Location

There are sooooo many location options when it comes to taking family photos. If you are in the San Diego area you have the gambit of urban or flora and fauna. The beach, local parks, or even Balboa Park. If you are a homebody, then do your session in your home. It is private and comfortable to the utmost degree.

Tips For Staying Comfortable at The Shoot

Breath! This is such an easy and super effective thing to do. By nature, when humans are nervous we hold our breath creating tightened muscles. That stiffness doesn’t look so good, my friend. If you are feeling that tightness close your eyes and take a slow deep breath in through your nose, part your lips, and with a slight smile exhale. Then open your eyes. This works every time and I do it with my clients a lot.

Keep Moving! The longer you stay still the more that tightness takes hold. If you are always moving then you will be more relaxed. That movement can be small like hugs, kisses, or snuggles. Or bigger like twirling, dancing, or running. As your San Diego photographer, I will be prompting you how to keep moving.

Shoulders Down, Chin Out! Now, this feels super weird at first but if you look at models they have those lovely long necks because their shoulders are down. I have a double chin, you may have one too. It’s not my favorite feature about myself. To keep that second chin tucked away for photos I try to keep my chin out and slightly down. Man, this can be tricky to feel confident doing, but I promise it will make you look amaz-balls, and knowing that will boost your confidence.

Communicate. If you are uncomfortable, feeling unhappy with something, or just off somehow tell me! I want you to not only feel comfortable in front of the camera but also enjoy your photo session. Let me know if you aren’t feeling it and let’s adjust.

You Have a Personal Cheerleader

I will be praising you all the way through your shoot. It can feel a bit much at first, but girl, I promise it is so helpful. If something is really working I’ll tell you. So don’t get embarrassed when I start busting out the, “Oh my heck, you guys look amazing.” “The light on you makes you look like a goddess.” “Stop right there, that moment is so beautiful, I need to snap it.” All that an more is coming your way, and I promise it will only happen if it’s genuine, cuz I roll like that.

How to feel comfortable in front of the camera
Embrace Who You Really Are

Let go of what you think you should look like and just embrace who you are. Okay, that might be a big ask and to truly feel it some time spent on a couch at a therapist’s office could be in order. But if you want to have your tummy photoshopped or your skin smoothed in editing, then the photo stops being you. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE!!! We aren’t perfect. Nobody is! So don’t expect that of yourself.

Dress rented from The Kindred Soul

Regular Sessions

The more often you have pictures taken the more familiar you will be with me and consequentially, will become more comfortable in front of my vintage film camera. Getting any kind of photos taken is requires some vulnerability. It takes time to get comfortable with people, so spending more time with me so I can gain your trust and friendship will solidify that comfort level so that when those Annual Family Portraits, or Newborn Photos, or Maternity Photos come along you won’t feel so anxious about getting them done. Maybe you will actually be excited for them. Dare to dream ;)

Alrighty then, feeling a bit better about getting comfortable in front of the camera for your next San Diego photo session, my friend. By going into detail about what you want, choosing an outfit that oh so you, choosing a location you feel comfortable at, staying relaxed at the session, letting yours truly cheer you on, and getting those pictures more often than not, you will be ready any time a camera is out.


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