Room Accommodations Full bed


There are four beds available at the host house in Vista. One room with two twin beds, one room with a full, and a room with a queen. The first three beds share a bathroom. The queen has a private bathroom. You may share the queen bed with a friend, but must be purchased in full. In the home you have access to a kitchen for minimal use for breakfast and storage of food you may want to bring.

Please be aware that room fees are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the workshop you are responsible for the re-sell the room to another photographer who is attending the workshop if you choose to.

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There are four beds available at the host house in Vista. One room with two twin beds, one room with a full, and a room with a queen. The first three beds share a bathroom. The queen has a private bathroom. You may share the queen bed with a friend, but must be purchased in full. In the home you have access to a kitchen for minimal use for breakfast and storage of food you may want to bring.

Please be aware that room fees are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the workshop you are responsible for the re-sell the room to another photographer who is attending the workshop if you choose to.